29 Apr 2012

Lyf is Hell !!!

In the last few days,
I've had a nice Realization,
Something that sent me in hibernation,

And approved my Transformation ..

In the following lines,
The Realization clearly follows,
Though it resembles the truth,
It describes no sorrows...

However hard you try
To make it well,
Life ceases to improve
Coz Lyf is Hell...

People today or tomorrow,
In your life would Change,
Putting the once most appreciated,
Out of their Range...

In this situation,
Never dare you be Violent,
With a gentle calm on your face,
Keep your angry lips Silent...

Understand the fact,
That you mustn't rebel,
Coz however hard you try,
This Lyf is Hell...

Realize in this case,
The trauma would soon Fade,
You and your life,
Would find an Arcade...

But the arcade might soon,
For you, Fail,
Just Learn to live by the fact that,
Dis "LYF IS HELL"  !!!

--- Rahul Jain (*2:09 AM on 29-04-2012*)

16 Apr 2012

Expectation Kills D Relation !!!

I know someone who is a sweet cute person,
And we both used to share a very friendly relation...
We fought a lot, details of which I need not mention,
But sooner or later, we somehow used to end that aberration...

Few weeks later, Not all of a sudden,
Friends we were better, which rose my expectation...
I should've have realized, known there and then,
It could prove costly, to the extent of the Relation...

The moment had some ego but loads of emotion, 
And Brought between us, tonnes of tension...
Neither was ready to compromise in the situation, 
One of the best options was to rethink while in hibernation...

The situation had left me into some sort of depression,
Little had I realized I should've controlled my aggression...
Every action with itself brings a sure-shot reaction,
Our friendship started to move on the path of descension...

I tried my best to change your anger-prone decision,
To prove to you that my aggression was only your illusion...
I tried pleading, persuasion, and then there was confession,
But you ceased to melt and showed growing apprehension...

All this has left me in a state of fear and abrasion, 
Trust me, your friendship, to me, has never had an aversion...
All these incidents have once again proven, 
Maano ya na maano, but "EXPECTATION KILLS D RELATION"...

--- Rahul Jain (*2:43 AM on 16-04-2012*)

12 Apr 2012

कुछ यादगार लम्हे, कुछ वो दोस्त !!!

कुछ ऐसे भी लोग थे जिन्हें हम हमेशा हंसाया करते थे, 
इतने प्यारे लोगो को हम ही तो सताया करते थे...
अपने सारे राज़ जिन्हें बेहिचक बताया करते थे, 
और जिनके सारे गम हम ख़ुशी ख़ुशी पी जाया करते थे...
नाराज़ होने पर जिन्हें हम बेहिसाब तरीकों से मनाया करते थे, 
गलती होने-ना होने पर भी बिना सोचे माफ़ी मांग जाया करते थे...

वो एक दौर था जब वो भी हमें अपना माना करते थे, 
जो कभी हमारे पक्के दोस्त कहलाया करते थे...
पर समय हमेशा ध्रूत गति से बदला करता है,
औ बदलते बदलते इंसान को भी बदल दिया करता है...
जो कभी पूरा समय बात करने में नहीं हिचकिचाते थे, 
उनका अति-व्यस्त कार्यभार आज मन को कचोटता है... 
ज़रूरत पड़ने पर आज कोई गम बांटने वाला तक नहीं दिखता है,
क्या जीवन में इतना निभाने के बाद सभी को यही मिलता है ???
--- राहुल जैन (*2:52 PM on 12-04-2012*)